In-practice Ultrasound CPD and Training

I provide tailored in-practice CPD sessions covering various aspects of veterinary ultrasound, medicine and cardiology.

  • Confused and overwhelmed by the knobs on your machine? We will start by learning the main knobs and making friends with your machine – you can’t break it!
  • You can get an image but struggle to make it better? I will teach you how to optimise your images for each patient and organ.
  • Not confident in interpreting the blurry images? I can help you get comfortable with identifying normal and the 50 shades of grey.
  • Don’t know where to start with a scan? I will teach you a clear and structured approach to a scan.
  • Confident at the basics but why can’t I see the pancreas or adrenals? I will show how to find these and more but also to realise that there are often more important things to recognise.
  • Not sure which cases would benefit from a scan? I use real cases and scenarios to help recognition of how useful ultrasonography can be in medicine, cardiology and emergency cases.

Training is tailored to your requirements, is taught using your machine and in your practice. It is frustrating when use the fabulous and fabulously expensive machines on attendance courses when you know you will struggle to achieve similar results when you get back to the practice. Get the best out the machine you have. Save time and expenses of travel to a distant centre. Ultrasound is a highly practical skill so although a certain amount can be learned online, actually having someone to show you and move your hand in the right position is vial for effective learning that can be translated into a useable skill.

Contact me to find out more!


  • Start at the beginning for all ultrasound to build confidence and reduce the fear.
  • Tailored to the requirements of the group – basic and advanced abdominal scanning, basic echocardiography, emergency scanning of the thorax and abdomen.
  • Teaching on your own machine so you learn the quirks specific to your machine.
  • Sessions can be part of a day, all day or split over sessions a few weeks or months apart so you can practice and come back with queries and questions to be answered at the follow up session.
  • Sessions fit around the practice’s requirements for the day – start early to finish for consults, start late to have consults first, split sessions, evenings, weekends.
  • Mixture of learning methods to suit more people – presentations, written notes, practical sessions, quizzes, group discussions.
  • Theory but also lots of practical.
  • Full of practical tips and actual cases to keep it real.
  • Can be flexible to respond to the needs and interests on the day.
  • Each participant gets their own notes and a laminated set of handy guides


“Amazing brownies, made my day! CPD obviously was even better than the brownies!” Heather van Zÿl, WellPet Vets

“The personalised touch is nice + found the CPD generally very helpful informative + fun. Thank you.” Wakana, WellPet Vets

“Thank you – I found the day very useful and appreciate you letting us run over into lunchtime as well! I have been trying to use the image improving skills so far this week and will keep practising.” Claire True, Hart Vets

Contact me to find out more!